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School Uniform

A number of years ago, parents were surveyed on our School Uniform. 93% of the school community voted overwhelmingly to have a uniform.


A school uniform is part of a child’s identity. Children with high levels of identity tend to have higher levels of resilience. Resilience building is a priority for us here in Scoil na Coróine Mhuire.


Costs are always to the forefront of our policymaking so the only item of uniform which needs to be crested is the jumper.


All pupils should have both full Uniform & full Tracksuit. One or other should be worn on the appropriate days. For policy see school policies.

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School Uniform

1. Navy V-neck jumper/cardigan – crested

2. Navy pinafore/skirt or slacks/shorts (not denims). Leggings only permitted if navy & under a navy pinafore/skirt

3. Blue shirt/polo shirt and navy socks or tights.

4. Footwear which should be dark in colour.

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School Tracksuit

1. Navy round neck sweatshirt

2. Blue polo shirt

3. Tracksuit pants/shorts.

4. Runners i.e. shoes suitable for running, must be worn with the tracksuit.

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© 2024 by Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Ashford.

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